Make The Following sentences into simple past tense in Positive,Negative

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari SandroJWimbleton pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Make The Following sentences into simple past tense in Positive,Negative and Interogative form.1. Tom (arrive) here five days ago
2. Last November, I (meet) my
parents for the first time in
my life
3. Ara (buy) a new pen yesterday
4. Dani(fail) to call you last night.
The line was very busy
5. My sister (eat) all the pudding on
the fridge last night
6. Shera (take ) the scholarship
to go abroad
8. He was so sleepy when I came
to his office
9. The weather (be) so good to play
sand on the beach yesterday
9. My boyfriend (see) me when
I was sick
10. My mom and I (go) to the zoo
12. They (play) football last week
13. Arini (attend) my birthday party
14. Last monday, We (come) to the
opening ceremony
14. Beni (go) to the school yesterday?
15. Dad (give) you money the money
to buy the bag yesterday


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



(+) Tom arrived here five days ago.

(-) Tom did not arrive here five days ago.

(?) Did Tom arrive here five days ago?


(+) Last November, I met my parents for the first time in my life.

(-) Last November, I did not meet my parents for the first time in my life.

(?) Did I meet my parents for the first time in my life last November?


(+) Ara bought a new pen yesterday.

(-) Ara did not buy a new pen yesterday.

(?) Did Ara buy a new pen yesterday?


(+) Dani failed to call you last night. The line was very busy.

(-) Dani did not fail to call you last night. The line was very busy (untuk kalimat setelah nya ga perlu ditulis lagi seharusnya soalnya artinya jadi gak nyambung)

(?) Did Dani fail to call you last night? (begini aja udah cukup)


(+) My sister ate all the pudding on the fridge last night.

(-) My sister did not eat all the pudding on the fridge last night.

(?) Did my sister eat all the pudding on the fridge last night?


(+) Shera took the scholarship to go abroad.

(-) Shera did not take the scholarship to go abroad.

(?) Did Shera take the scholarship to go abroad?


(+) He was so sleepy when I came to his office.

(-) He was not so sleepy when I came to his office.

(?) Was he sleepy when I came to his office?


(+) The weather was so good to play sand on the beach yesterday.

(-) The weather was not so good to play sand on the beach yesterday.

(?) Was the weather so good to play sand on the beach yesterday?


(+) My boyfriend saw me when I was sick.

(-) My boyfriend did not see me when I was sick.

(?) Did my boyfriend see me when I was sick?


(+) My mom and I went to the zoo yesterday.

(-) My mom and I did not go to the zoo yesterday.

(?) Did my mom and I go to the zoo yesterday?


(+) They played football last week.

(-) They did not play football last week.

(?) Did they play football last week?


(+) Arini attended my birthday party.

(-) Arini did not attend my birthday party.

(?) Did Arini attend my birthday party?


(+) Last Monday, we came to the opening ceremony.

(-) Last Monday, we did not come to the ceremony party.

(?) Did we come to the ceremony party last Monday?


(+) Beni went to the school yesterday.

(-) Beni did not go to school yesterday.

(?) Did Beni go to school yesterday?


(+) Dad gave you the money to buy the bag yesterday.

(-) Dad did not give you the money to buy the bag yesterday.

(?) Did Dad give you the money to buy the bag yesterday?

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Last Update: Wed, 13 Jul 22