Change the following sentences into positive, negative and introgative! 1.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari alwisa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change the following sentences into positive, negative and introgative!1. Mr. and Mrs. Price came to visit us last night. (-)....... (?)........
2. I saw Helen on the street yesterday. (-)........ (?)........
3. Did they tell us about their plans for new home? (-)......... (?)......
4. We didn't go to the park yesterday (-)....... (?)......
5. Did you read a novel several days ago (-)....... (?).....​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Mr. and Mrs. Price came to visit us last night.

(-) Mr. and Mrs. Price didn't come to visit us last night.

(?) Did Mr. and Mrs. Price come to visit us last night?

2. I saw Helen on the street yesterday.

(-) I didn't see Helen on the street yesterday.

(?) Did you see Helen on the street yesterday.

3. Did they tell us about their plans for new home?

(+) They told us about their plans for new home.

(-) They didn't tell us about their plans for new home?

4. We didn't go to the park yesterday.

(+) We went to the park yesterday.

(?) Did we go to the park yesterday?

5. Did you read a novel several days ago.

(+) I read a novel several days ago.

(-) I didn't read a novel several days ago.


{ \boxed{{simple \: past \: tense}}}

=> Kalimat/ungkapan yg digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yg terjadi di masa lampau dan sudah selesai di masa lampau (100%) masa lampau.


(+) Subject + Verb 2 + Complement

(-) Subject + did not (didn't) + Verb 1 + Complement

(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 + Complement

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Last Update: Mon, 06 Jun 22