Last weekend, my family and I went to Baru beach,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari UzuhaSachiko pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Last weekend, my family and I went to Baru beach, Bantul. We ... (36) at the beach in afternoon. First, we rode ATV. The ATV went along the beach. Then, my brother and I ... (37) the sand. We built hills and dams using the sand. It was fun. However, we couldn't swim in the sea. The waves were bigs. That's why swimming was very ... (38) there. There was a big sign saying 'NO SWIMMING'. So, we just stayed at the shore until ... (39). Finally, mother called us to take a bath. We raced to the nearest public toilet. We ... (40) there. There was a lot of sand inside the pockets of our shorts. a36. A. visited C. looked B. arrived D. went
37. A. playing C. played B. are playing D. were play
38. A. exciting C. dangerous B. harmless D. safe
39. A. dawn C. dusk B. morning D. night The reason for the answer:​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


36) B. arrived

37) C. played

38) C. dangerous

39) C. dusk

40) gaada pilihannya

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Last Update: Fri, 01 Jul 22