artinya dari kalimat berikut :To ask about an of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari oker625 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Artinya dari kalimat berikut :To ask about an of Sect's owner. You can use The Following Patterns. whose & nountbet Pronount? Questions 2 3 4 Whose book is it? whose cat whose room 2 Answers It's mine. Is it? It's hers. is it? whose bags are they? they are ours It's his. Whot doldoes tsub Seat belong to t? who does the book belong to? It's mine. belong to? belong to ? it's his 1 answers who does the cat who does the room who does the bags belong to? they're ours 3 4 It's hers. Possessive 2 3 Pronouns use whose to ask about Possessiveon Study the followwing sentences. This is my book, the book Those are our books. Those are ours. whose book is that ? that is hers. sub-Ject Pronous Passessive od fectives passessive Pronous 1 my mine we o ur ours You Your Yours he his his she her they Thoir hers​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Untuk bertanya tentang pemilik Sekte. Anda dapat menggunakan Pola Berikut. kata ganti siapa & nountbet? Pertanyaan 2 3 4 Buku siapa itu? kucing siapa yang kamarnya 2 Answers It's my. Apakah itu? Ini miliknya. Apakah itu? WHO

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Last Update: Mon, 20 Jun 22