In the Park I came to the park by

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari bvfgfs501 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

In the ParkI came to the park by myself. No one is here next to me. I came for taking a rest from my cycling. That is why there is a bottle of water in my bike. I choose to sit in the corner so I can see the whole park. The park is beautiful today. There are many flowers behind me, many birds and butterflies are flying, and also there is a simple water fountain. There is a girl in the park. She is alone but there are many books beside her. She looks like learning, but there are many snacks in front of her. I thought she made a picnic. While I enjoy the atmosphere, the girl is still busy with the books beside her. An hour later, there are some guys come to her. They brought their book too. I saw at them closely and carefully. I thought for a while. There is someone who wears a set of sport clothes with a barbell in his hand. I slowly come to them. I call them gently. Oohh, sadly they are all my siblings. How foolish I am staring at them curiously! Questions:
1.where does the story happen?
2.why does the writer come the park ? does the writer get to the park ?
4.why does the writer choose to sit in the corner?
5.who are the girl and the guys?​​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban: the park rest after cycling cycling you can see the whole garden

5.they are all my siblings

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Last Update: Thu, 23 Feb 23