Contoh kalimat good news dan bad news masing-masing 5 contoh??

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Contoh kalimat good news dan bad news masing-masing 5 contoh??

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Actually, there is no strict rules for giving good news in English. It's also the same for giving bad news. But there are some useful expressions that can be used when you want to give good news or bad news in English.


Good News

As I stated before, there is no strict rules for giving good news. There are some useful expressions that you can use depending on the situation, formal or informal situation.


- I've/we've got some good news for you...

- I'm/we're really pleased to tell you that...

- I'd like to tell you that...

- I'm/we're really happy to inform you that...


- Guess what! ...

- I'm so happy to tell you that ...

- Hey!! I've got amazing news for you ...

- Finally! ....

- Can you believe it? ...

Bad News


- I regret to inform you that...

- It is my unfortunate duty to tell you that …

- I'm afraid I've got bad news ...


- I'm sorry but...

- I'm afraid that...

- Unfortunately,

- I'm sorry to have to tell you that...

- I tried my best but...


Sample sentences for giving good news.

1. Guess what! I got the scholarship for studying in America!

2. I'm so excited to tell you that I got promoted to the manager position.

3. We've really please to inform you that you were accepted to Faculty of Engineering in Oxford University.

4. I have an amazing news for you! The teacher said that you won the first place on the essay competition.

5. We're really happy to accept your proposal.

Sample sentences for giving bad news.

1. I'm sorry to tell you but the ticket is sold out so we can't go to the concert.

2. Unfortunately, I can't join the trip because I've got a fever.

3. We regret to inform you that your qualifications do not match the job requirements.

4. I tried my best but I couldn't finish the test.

5. We won't be able to continue our partnership.

For more examples, you can check these links below.

Detail tambahan

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Bad news and good news

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Last Update: Mon, 20 Nov 17