4. In the boxes below you will find many adjectives

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari raisarubina42 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

4. In the boxes below you will find many adjectives you can use to describe the different object. Make some descriptions of thing/animal/people using the adjectives. Size heavy, light, big, small, little, tiny, tall, short, giant, point, underweight, thin, wide Shape round, square, straight, triangular, oval, sleek, flat, elliptical, crooked, wavy Characteristic diligent, friendly, funny, bad, lazy, nice, outgoing, polite, smart, sweet, annoying5. Guess which animal am I? I live in the trees and like to climb. I like bananas. I have brown fur. Which animal am I? b. I live on land. I have got a sharp teeth. I am a wild animal. I eat meat. People call me "The King of Jungle". Which animal am I? I am an insect. I have wings and I make honey. Which animal am I? d. I am a bird. I have colorful feathers. I can talk. Which animal am I? I live in water. I'm a mammal. I've got fins. I am friendly to human. Which animal am I?​
4. In the boxes below you will find many adjectives you can use to describe the different object. Make some descriptions of thing/animal/people using the adjectives. Size heavy, light, big, small, little, tiny, tall, short, giant, point, underweight, thin, wide Shape round, square, straight, triangular, oval, sleek, flat, elliptical, crooked, wavy Characteristic diligent, friendly, funny, bad, lazy, nice, outgoing, polite, smart, sweet, annoying 5. Guess which animal am I? I live in the trees and like to climb. I like bananas. I have brown fur. Which animal am I? b. I live on land. I have got a sharp teeth. I am a wild animal. I eat meat. People call me

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.




—the elephant is big

—the cup is small


—the rug is round

—the aquarium is square shaped


—he is friendly

—my dad' s smart


a. Monkey (monyet)

b. Lion (singa)

c. Bee (lebah)

d. parrot (burung kakak tua)

e. Dolphin (lumba-lumba)

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Last Update: Sat, 18 Feb 23