Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari chuiyung05 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

REMEDIAL QUIZ 3 – PRESENT CONTINUOUS VS PRESENT SIMPLE Fill in the blanks using the right forms of the given verbs. 1. Look! Pierre __________________________________ the flowers. (water) 2. Listen! The girls __________________________________ a song now. (sing) 3. She usually __________________________________ home by bus. (come) 4. Jean __________________________________ to his grandmother every day. (go) 5. Look! Sam and Joel __________________________________ tennis. (play) 6. Nicky __________________________________ a cup of tea every morning. (drink) 7. We can’t play tennis. It __________________________________ at the moment. (rain) 8. Bill __________________________________ his homework at the moment. (do) 9. Jane always __________________________________ her homework in her room. (do) 10. The boys sometimes _________________________________ to the park. (run) 11. My cat never __________________________________ in my room. (sleep) 12. Listen! Phil __________________________________ an English song. (sing) 13. I __________________________ to my cassettes, I __________________ a bath. (not listen / have) 14. Michael can’t play football. He __________________________________guitar at the moment. (play) 15. We never __________________________________ letters to Australia. (write) 16. She often _____________ the house on Saturdays. (clean) 17. Why ___________ you _____________ (fix) it this morning? 18. They generally ______________ (arrive) early but today they _____________ (come) late. 19. I'm in class now. I (sit)_________________ at my desk. I usually (sit)_______________at the same desk in class every day. 20. It (not rain) _________________right now. The sun (shine) _________________. NAME : _______________________ CLASS: VIII _______________Bantuin kerja plis aku bingung ​

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Last Update: Sun, 20 Nov 22