Change these sentences into positive, negative, or interrogative ! 1.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari indri9857 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change these sentences into positive, negative, or interrogative ! 1. ( ) a sunflower needs a little bit water and sunlight everymorning 2. (- ) Usually some kids do not cry to see their moms at home 3. (?) Do you always eat a fish twice a week ? 4. ( ) An eagle flies away on the sky after catching a fish 5. (- ) Every single time she does not do homework 6. (?) Do they ever go to an art exhibition at museum ?.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



(+) a sunflower needs a little bit water and sunlight every morning.

(-) a sunflower doesn't need a little bit water and sunlight every morning.

(?) does a sunflower needs a little bit water and sunlight every morning ?


(-) usually some kids do not cry to see their moms at home.

(+) usually some kids cry to see their moms at home.

(?) do usually some kids cry to see their moms at home ?


(?) do you always eat a fish Twice a week ?

(+) you always eat a fish Twice a week.

(-) you do not always eat a fish Twice a week.


(+) an Eagle flies away on the sky after catching a fish.

(-) an Eagle doesn't fly away on the sky after catching a fish.

(?) does an Eagle fly away on the sky after catching a fish ?


(-) every single time she does not do homework.

(+) every single time she does homework.

(?) does every single time she do homework ?


(?) do they ever go to an art exhibition at museum ?

(+) they ever go to an art exhibition at museum.

(-) they never go to an art exhibition at museum.


(-) they do not ever go to an art exhibition at museum.


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Last Update: Tue, 24 Jan 23