COMPLETION A. Complete the information. Circle the correct words. Look

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aliciaslim33 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

COMPLETION A. Complete the information. Circle the correct words. Look at the photo. What do you see? Do you '? believe / trick your eyes? Maybe you shouldn't. Your eyes and your straight/mind-might be making a(n) impossible/mistake. If you see only dark camels crossing the desert, your eyes are playing tricks / mistakes on you. The photographer took this photo toward the end of the day. The sun was low in the sky, and the camels Simpossible/ therefore had long shadows. The dark camel shapes you see in the photo are really just the camels' Sometimes optical illus happen naturally. shadows. The real camels are the thin brown shapes below the darker camel shapes.jawab yh disuruh lingkari ama lengkapi ini pretest pls jgn asal.nnti akunnya diban​
COMPLETION A. Complete the information. Circle the correct words. Look at the photo. What do you see? Do you '? believe / trick your eyes? Maybe you shouldn't. Your eyes and your straight/mind-might be making a(n) impossible/mistake. If you see only dark camels crossing the desert, your eyes are playing tricks / mistakes on you. The photographer took this photo toward the end of the day. The sun was low in the sky, and the camels Simpossible/ therefore had long shadows. The dark camel shapes you see in the photo are really just the camels' Sometimes optical illus happen naturally. shadows. The real camels are the thin brown shapes below the darker camel shapes.jawab yh disuruh lingkari ama lengkapi ini pretest pls jgn asal.nnti akunnya diban​

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Last Update: Thu, 12 May 22