ubahlah menjadi kalimat negatif dan interogatif!1. (+) he wrote a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari itsmequeench pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Ubahlah menjadi kalimat negatif dan interogatif!1. (+) he wrote a letter two day ago
2. (+) she brought my bag this morning
3. (+) my mother swept the floor yesterday
4. (+) the baby drank a bottle of milk an hour ago
5. (+) they built the house a year ago
6. (+) i went to the town hall last year
7. (+) i awoke to a music from the next room

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. - he didn`t write a letter two day ago

? did he write a letter two day ago ?

2. - she didn`t buy my bag this morning

? did she buy my bag this morning ?

3. - my mother didn`t sweep the floor yesterday

? did my mother sweep the floor yesterday ?

4. - the baby didn`t drink a bottle of milk an hour ago

? did the baby drink a bottle of milk an hour ago ?
5. - they didn`t build the house a year ago

? did they build the house a year ago ?

6. - I didn`t go to the town hall last year

? did you go to the town hall last year ?

7. - I didn`t awake to a music from next room
? did you awake to a music from next room ?



+ S + V2



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Last Update: Tue, 16 Aug 22