Answer the questions below with the correct public place name!(Jawablah

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hafiizharrasyid pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Answer the questions below with the correct public place name!(Jawablah Soal Dibawah ini Dengan Nama tempat Umum (Public Places) Yang tepat!)

1. we can see many animals in the_______

2. my family will eat in a new_______

3. I will go to______with my friends to meet my teacher

4. My mom asks me to buy sugar in the________

5. my father goes to______today to work

6. I will borrow a book in_________

7. will you watch football in the_________?

8. I see prisoners in the________

9. Let’s play in the______

10. I will swim in the_______

11. My grandfather is sicks, so he goes to_______

12. I see many __________in Jakarta

13. Jogjakarta has many______

14. I will wait train in the________

15. _________keeps me from rain and hot

16. Prince and princess live in the________

17. Moslem pray in the______

18. My mom always buys vegetables in the______

19. You can do exercise in the______

20. you can buy book and pencils in _______

21. you can watch movie in____________

22. I buy a gift in the_______

23. I go to bali and sleep in_____

24. The christians pray in the___________

25. You can report a thief in_______

Good luck! ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


General Knowledge:

1. we can see many animals in the zoo.

2. my family will eat in a new restaurant.

3. I will go to school with my friends to meet my teacher.

4. My mom asks me to buy sugar in the supermarket.

5. my father goes to office today to work.

6. I will borrow a book in the library.

7. will you watch football in the stadium?

8. I see prisoners in the prison.

9. Let’s play in the playground.

10. I will swim in the swimming pool.

11. My grandfather is sick, so he goes to a hospital.

12. I see many skyscraper buildings in Jakarta.

13. Jogjakarta has many tourist destinations.

14. I will wait train in the train station.

15. A shelter keeps me from rain and hot.

16. Prince and princess live in the castle.

17. Moslem pray in the mosque.

18. My mom always buys vegetables in the supermarket / traditional market.

19. You can do exercise in the gym.

20. you can buy book and pencils in the bookstore.

21. you can watch movie in a movie theatre.

22. I buy a gift in the gift shop.

23. I go to bali and sleep in a hotel.

24. The christians pray in the church.

25. You can report a thief in a police station.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

1. we can see many animals in the zoo. karena kita bisa melihat banyak binatang di kebun binatang (zoo)

2. my family will eat in a new restaurant. karena kita akan makan di restoran baru

3. I will go to school with my friends to meet my teacher. karena kita bertemu teman dan guru kita di sekolah

4. My mom asks me to buy sugar in the supermarket. karena kita membeli gula di supermarket

5. my father goes to office today to work. karena Ayahku pergi ke kantor hari ini untuk bekerja

6. I will borrow a book in the library. karena kita meminjam buku di perpustakaan (library)

7. will you watch football in the stadium? karena kita menonton sepakbola di stadion (stadium)

8. I see prisoners in the prison. karena kita melihat para tawanan di penjara (prison)

9. Let’s play in the playground. karena kita bermain di taman bermain

10. I will swim in the swimming pool. karena kita berenang di kolam renang (swimming pool)

11. My grandfather is sick, so he goes to a hospital. karena kake sakit, jadi Beliau pergi ke rumah sakit (hospital)

12. I see many skyscraper buildings in Jakarta. karena kita melihat terdapat banyak gedung pencakar langit (skyscraper buildings) di Jakarta

13. Jogjakarta has many tourist destinations. karena di Jogjakarta banyak terdapat tempat tujuan wisata (touris destinations) bagi para pengunjung lokal maupun Internasional

14. I will wait train in the train station. karena kita menunggu kereta api di stasiun kereta api (train station)

15. A shelter keeps me from rain and hot. karena sebuah tempat berlindung (a shelter) menjaga kita dari hujan dan panas. Sebuah tempat berlindung di sini bisa juga sebuah rumah (a house) jadi bisa dipilih jawaban yang paling sesuai

16. Prince and princess live in the castle. karena para pangeran dan puteri tinggalnya di istana (castle / palace)

17. Moslem pray in the mosque. karena ummat muslim beribadah di Masjid (Mosque / Masjeed)

18. My mom always buys vegetables in the supermarket / traditional market. karena Ibuku, dan kita semua tentunya, bisa membeli sayur mayur di supermarket ataupun pasar tradisional (traditional market)

19. You can do exercise in the gym. karena kita bisa melakukan olahraga fisik di Gym (gedung olahraga)

20. you can buy book and pencils in the bookstore. karena kita bisa membeli buku dan pensil maupun peralatan sekolah di toko buku

21. you can watch movie in a movie theatre / cinema. karena kita bisa menonton film di bioskop (movie theater / cinema)

22. I buy a gift in the gift shop. karena kita bisa membeli hadiah di toko hadiah (toko yang menjual hadiah = a gift shop)

23. I go to bali and sleep in a hotel. karena jika kita ke Bali untuk bersenang senang biasanya kita akan tidur / menginap di hotel

24. The christians pray in the church. karena ummat kristiani beribadah di gereja (church)

25. You can report a thief in a police station. karena kita bisa melaporkan pencuri di kantor polisi (police station)

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Sun, 12 Feb 23