19 Two Tramps and a Dog Two trámps were walking

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ayubarokah715 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

19 Two Tramps and a Dog Two trámps were walking along a quiet road.//A sorry-looking dog was following them.// "We've had a bád dáy,/Joe,'/the first trámp sáid.//'We haven't any money/and we can't get anything to eat.'// 5 'We'll find something,'/the second trámp ánswered cheerfully.// Súddenly,/the trámps sáw a cár in the distance.//It was cóming towards them véry quickly.//Bóth the trámps moved to one side,/but the dóg stayed in the middle of the road.// The driver tried to stóp the cár,/but it was too láte.//The car hit 10 the dóg/and killed it.//The driver got out of the car/and went towards the first trámp.// 'Poor little dog,'/the trámp sáid sádly.// 'I'm terribly sorry,'/the driver sáid.//'I tried to avoid your dog/but I couldn't.'//He took out his wallet/and gave five pounds to the 15 trámp.//'Will that be áll right?"/the driver asked.// 'Yes, sir,/thánk you, sir,'/the trámp sáid.// The driver got into his car/and drove away.// 'Poor little dog,'/the first trámp sáid/and pút the money into his pocket.// 20 'Whose dog was it?"/the sécond trámp ásked.//Answer these questions

1. Was a dog following the two tramps?
2.Have the tramps any money?
3.Can't they get anything to eat?
4.The tramps saw a car, didn't they?
5.The car was coming towards them, wasn't it?
6.Did the tramps stay in the middle of the road?
7.Did the dog stay in the middle of the road? 8.Didn't the car run over the dog?
9.The driver was very sorry, wasn't he?
10.Didn't he give the tramps some money? didn't they?
11.The tramps accepted the money,
12.Did the dog belong to the tramps?

13.Who was walking along the road?
14.Who saw the car?
15.Who killed the dog?
16.Who was very sorry?
17. Who has given the tramps some money

18.Were the tramps walking along a road or across a field?
19.Did they see a car or a lorry?
20.Did the tramps stay in the middle of the road, or did they move to one side?
21.Did the car run over a dog or a cat?
22.Did the first tramp accept the money, or did he refuse it?
23.Did the driver stay with the tramps, or did he drive away?

24.Where were the tramps?
25.Why can't the tramps get anything to eat? 26.Why did the tramps move to one side of the road?
27.Why did the driver try to stop the car?
28.How much did the driver give the tramps? 29.What did the driver do after this?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


mksdnya ini di jelaskan juga ya kak


maaf ya kak gk jelas soalnya

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Last Update: Sat, 28 Jan 23