selamat siang. tolong perbaiki grammar saya. makasih(cerita tentang masa kecil)

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari shafnahusna522 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Selamat siang. tolong perbaiki grammar saya. makasih(cerita tentang masa kecil)

When i was child, i like to play gobak sodor. Gobak sodor is traditional game from central Java. We usually play this game after we go back from school. This game consist of two teams.

We having fun playing together but when Sahada's team lost, she cried and i said "don't cry sahada it just a game, we can win or lose in this game." Sahada didn't stop her cried. Her voice heared by her mom that is coming to us and ask "who's making sahada cried?." With angry and high voices.

We feel scared and my friend Joko try to explained "We are not making Sahada crying, Sahada just lost in this game and i don't know why Sahada started to cried."

But Sahada's mom couldn't believe that we didn't made Sahada crying. We ask to Sahada "Sahada please, we are not doing anything for you."
And then, Sahada stop her crying, and she said "They're not make me cry, i'm just lost in this game." Sahada's mom say sorry to us and give advice to Sahada. Then, we playing again together.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Ada beberapa kesalahan dalam penggunaan tensedan jugaarticles pada cerita. Perbaikan adalah yang di cetak tebal.


When I was a child, I liked to play gobak sodor. Gobak sodor is a traditional game from central Java. We usually playedthis game after wecame back from school. This game consists of two teams.


We were having fun playing together but when Sahada's team lost, she cried and I said "don't cry Sahada it is just a game, we can win or lose in this game." Sahada didn't stop her cried. Her voice was heardby her mom thatwas comingto us andasked "who's making Sahada cried?" with angry and high voice.


We felt scared, then my friend, Joko tried to explain "We didn't makeSahadacry, Sahada just lost in this game and i don't know why Sahada started to cried."


But Sahada's mom didn't believe that we didn't made Sahada cry. We told Sahada, "Sahada please, we didn't doanythingto you." And then, Sahada stop her cry, and said "They didn't make me cry, i just lost in this game." Sahada's mom saidsorry to us andgave advice to Sahada. Then, we played again together.​



Untuk menceritakan tentang kejadian masa lampau, maka gunakan Simple Past Tense


Simple Past Tense = menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lampau. Rumus:

(+) S + V2 + O
(-) S + did + not + Vinf + O

(?) Did + S + Vinf + O + ?

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Last Update: Sat, 04 Jun 22