Mr. Haris : Congratulations Bubu for being elected as a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aishfaikha pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Mr. Haris : Congratulations Bubu for being elected as a chairman of student organization : Thank you very much, Sir. It's really an honor for me to hold this position. Mr. Haris: I must to tell you that your duties are not easy. You must be an example for other students in our school. Bubu : Yes, Sir. I will do my best. Mr. Haris: You must motivate your friends both in class and in organization. You also mustn't forget your main goal that is studying. Bubu :. I understand, Sir. Mr. Haris : Now it's time for you to have a meeting with other organization members to make a new student organization management. Bubu : Alright. I've already made a schedule for that. It will be tomorrow after school thank you very much for your short briefing. Mr. Haris: You are welcome and good luck. 1. Where does the dialogue above take place? Answer: 2. Who are involved in the dialogue above? Answer: 3. What is Bubu position based on the dialogue above? Answer: What must Bubu do in his new position? Answer: Who is Mr. Haris? Answer:.​

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Last Update: Mon, 26 Dec 22