Rearrange the jumbled words into good sentendeces of simple past

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari pelangityas13 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Rearrange the jumbled words into good sentendeces of simple past tense1.traditional-with-the-ploughed-farmers-their-rice fields-ploughs-years ago
2.plane-to-Mr.Renold-flew-the-Saudi Arabia-last month
4.ask-the-the-to-not-task-the-did-teacher-students-do-at home night-TV-match

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Answers :

1. traditional - with - the - ploughed - farmers - their - rice fields - ploughs - years ago

Farmers - ploughed - their - rice fields - with - traditional - ploughs - years - ago

2. plane - to - Mr. Renold - flew - the - Saudi Arabia - last month

Mr. Renold - flew - the - plane - to - Saudi Arabia - last month

3. not - the - they - time - board - on - read - did - departure - the

They - did - not - read - the - time -  on - the - departure - board.

4. ask - the - the - to - not - task - the - did - teacher - students - do - at - home

The - teacher - did - not - ask - the - students - to - do - the - task - at - home

5. you - watch - the - did - on - football - last night - TV - match

​Did - you - watch - the - football - match - on - tv - last - night.

Sorry kalau salah (apalagi yang 4)

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Last Update: Tue, 07 Jun 22