Change into passive voice!1.I make a kite every day

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Change into passive voice!1.I make a kite every day

2.he cooks fried noodle every morning

3.mia and siti buy me a new car

4.the cat drink milk every morning

5.she takes the pen under the chair


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban & Penjelasannya

1. A kite is made by me every day.

+: A kite every day is made by me.

-: I don't make a kite every day.

?: Do I make a kite every day?

2. Fried noodle is cooked by him every morning.

+: Fried noodle every morning is cooked by him.

-: He doesn't cook fried noodle every morning.

?: Does he cook fried noodle every morning?

3. A new car is bought for me by Mia and Siti.

+: A new car for me is bought by Mia and Siti.

-: Mia and Siti don't buy a new car for me.

?: Do Mia and Siti buy a new car for me?

4. Milk is drunk by the cat every morning.

+: Milk every morning is drunk by the cat.

-: The cat doesn't drink milk every morning.

?: Does the cat drink milk every morning?

5. The pen is taken under the chair by her.

+: The pen under the chair is taken by her.

-: She doesn't take the pen under the chair.

?: Does she take the pen under the chair?

Rumus: Subject + verb "to be" + past participle form of verb + by object

Note: Passive voice is formed by using a form of the verb "to be" and the past participle form of the main verb, with the subject receiving the action rather than performing the action.


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Last Update: Mon, 01 May 23