11.the mailman....your package yesterday morning a. deliverb. deliveredc. was deliver

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rizki03raihan pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

11.the mailman....your package yesterday morninga. deliver
b. delivered
c. was deliver
d. were deliver
12. This morning I.....for the school bus, but it......
a. came, didn't wait
b. came, didn't waited
c. waited,didn't,came
d. waited,didn't,come
13. we....in merauke there years
a. happen
b. happens
c. happent
d. happened
15. two days ago some body....at the door but I....
a. knocked,didn't, opened
b. knocked,didn't,open
c. didn't,knocked,opened
d. didn't,knock,open
16. we.....hard for the exam last night so we can answer all the questions
a. study
b. studyed
c. studied
d. did study
17.karen....is difficulties yesterday she..... for help to finish her homework
a. was, asked
b. was, asks
c. is,asked
d. is,asks
18. mozart.....more than 600 pieces of music
a. writed
b. wrote
c. written
d. was written
19. butet.... to buy some milk yesterday
a. forget
b. forgeted
c. forgot
d. forgotten
20. made....it surabaya last night today he becomes a key note speaker at rhe airlangga university
a. go
b. went
c. gone
d. did go

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


11. b. delivered

12. c. waited, didn't came

13. b. happens

15. a. knocked, didn't, opened

16. c. studied

17. a. was, asked

18. c. written

19. c. forgot

20. b. went


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Last Update: Thu, 01 Jun 23