help me inggris class 7 junior high school​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari vianarvarenoputra pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Help me inggris class 7 junior high school​
help me inggris class 7 junior high school​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. does not live
  2. eat
  3. sells
  4. teaches
  5. buy
  6. sleeps
  7. are
  8. listens
  9. studies
  10. has
  11. watches


Verb adalah kata kerja.

Pada struktur bahasa Inggris, verb terletak setelah subjek.

Verb meliputi:

  • kata kerja positif : contoh like, is
  • kata kerja negatif : don't like, is not
  • kata kerja interogatif : Do .... like, Is .... playing


Activity 4 THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE: POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE STATEMENT Look at these sentences and underline the verbs.

1. Irene does not live in Jakarta anymore.

2. Deandra and Tommy only eat vegetables every day. 3. Lucky's family sells many delicious cakes online.

4. My sister teaches Math at school.

5. Grandma and grandpa buy vegetables in the market.

6. Our dog sleeps on the couch.

7. Anindya and Siska are twins in the family. 8. My father listens to an old radio.

9. Emily studies Mandarin with her sister.

10. Bianca has two new bags from her birthday.

11. Damien watches television in the bedroom.


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Last Update: Thu, 29 Jun 23