chage into present continuos tense,and analyse the tense of each

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari wvera0290 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Chage into present continuos tense,and analyse the tense of each sentences1.all the students bring the history
2.anwar writes a letter in the class
3.they will go to the libray
4.those answers wilm give to the teacher
5.they went to the museum with their friedns
6.our parents ate at the restaurant
7.the teachers will meet at the aston hotel
8.amira students english in the class works at the office

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Present Continuous Tense :

1. All the students are bringing the history book.

2. Anwar is writing a letter in the class.

3. They are going to go to the library.

4. Those answers are going to give to the teacher.

5. They are going to the museum with their friends.

6. Our parents are eating at the restaurant.

7. The teachers are going to meet at the Aston Hotel.

8. Amira is studying English in the class.

9. Mr. Toni is working at the office.

analyse the tense of each sentences :

1. simple present tense

2. simple present tense

3. present future tense

4. present future tense

5. simple past tense

6. simple past tense

7. present future tense

8. simple present tense

9. simple present tense


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Last Update: Mon, 23 Jan 23