Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kevin02kevin9987 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Be a Diligent StudentBeing a student is not always easy. There are some things which students have to fulfill in order to be a good student. One of them is diligent. Diligent is a way of being conscientiousness in one's work or duties. Meanwhile, the main duty of student is learning. However, learning is not the one and only. There are several things which included in diligent. Here is the way to be a diligent student. First, wake up early. It is important, because your day starts here. The benefit of waking up early is you will not be late in school. You will enjoy your way into the school. Besides, you will not be in rush. Second, do homework on time. Don't be late, because it shows your capability as a student. It also means that you are ready for anytime-task. Third, get used to go home on time. Go home on time will make you have more time to take a rest before doing homework. But if you are active in extracurricular, you may finish your activity then go home.The last is, don't go sleep before your to-do-list finished. It seems a bit tough, but disciplining yourself by that way makes you more responsible to yourself. This is why you need to manage your time well. If you can finish them earlier, you will go to bed on time. Being discipline means being responsible to yourself. You may have a lot of activity, you may sleep at anytime, but you have to be responsible to your duty.

1. What is diligent?
2. What is students' main duty?
3. Why we have to wake up early?
4. What can we get if we wake up early?
5. Why do we have to go home on time?
6. In your opinion, when do we have to finish our task?
7. What seems a bit tough for students?
8. What does discipline mean for students? 9. Give other examples of discipline that you know!
10. Find the adjectives from the text and write it down! tolong di jawab besok di kumpulkan


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban & Penjelasannya

1. Diligent is a way of being meticulousness in one's work or duties.

2. The main duty of pupil is learning.

3. We've to wake up beforehand because our day starts then.

4. We can get the benefit of not being late in academy, not being in rush, and enjoy our way into the academy if we wake up beforehand. 5. We've to go home on time so we've further time to take a rest before doing schoolwork.

6. We've to finish our task as soon as possible. 7. It seems a bit tough to do not go sleep before our to- do- list finished.

8. Discipline means being responsible to oneself. 9. exemplifications of discipline are waking up beforehand, do schoolwork on time, go home on time, and do not go sleep before our to- do- list finished.

10. Active, meticulousness, beforehand, rush, time, tough, discipline, responsible


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Last Update: Thu, 20 Apr 23