Task 2 Fill the blanks with the present or present

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rizkyamalia09651 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Task 2 Fill the blanks with the present or present continuous verb! 1. I usually ... (go) for a walk at the weekends, but I... (go) out with friends this weekend. 2. We regularly ... (eat) out at a posh restaurant on our wedding anniversaries, but this year we (eat) at granny's. 3. Tim is... (do) a jigsaw puzzle right now. He likes doing them. He normally ... (do) crossword puzzles. 4. I... (love) reading for pleasure. 5. My mother ... (read) fashion magazines for pleasure. 6. At weekends, we often ... (eat) junk food a lot, but we ... (eat) more healthy food today. 7. I... (have) a trouble right now. I need your help! 8. We usually ... (bake) the cake using microwave, but we ... (fry) chicken right now. 9. I... (watch) a movie on TV. Usually, I ... (go) to the cinema with my parents. 10.Dandy ... (walk) to school. He always ... (go) to school by foot. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. go, am going

2. eat, are eating

3. doing, does

4. love

5. reads

6. eat, are eating

7. am having

8. bake, are frying

9. am watching, go

10. is walking, goes


simple present adalah kbiasaan shari2, biasanya ad kata penunjuk waktu yg sring contohnya

often,usually, every,always.... maka pake present tense (v1)

present continuous verb, kegiatan yg dlakukan pada saat itu saja. belum tntu jd kbiasaan shari2nya.

kata penunjuknya : right now = saat ini

smga membantu...

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Last Update: Mon, 08 May 23