This is Amy. She is ten years old. She is

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This is Amy. She is ten years old. She is short and fat. She has a long blond hair. She likes swimming and skipping rope. Her favorite toy is a doll. Her name is Annie. Annie is a fairy angel. Annie has wand. Annie has a golden color.Questions:

1. How old is Amy?


Is Amy short?


What color is Annie's hair?


What is the name of Amy's doll?


Does Annie have a wand?

This is Amy. She is ten years old. She is short and fat. She has a long blond hair. She likes swimming and skipping rope. Her favorite toy is a doll. Her name is Annie. Annie is a fairy angel. Annie has wand. Annie has a golden color.Questions:1. How old is Amy?Answer:.....Is Amy short?Answer:....What color is Annie's hair?Answer:.What is the name of Amy's doll?Answer:Does Annie have a wand?Answer:.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


amy is ten years old

she is fat and short

annie hair color is golden

amy doll name is annie

annie has a wand

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Last Update: Sat, 16 Apr 22