1. mrs. Harrison speaks spanish in the meeting.(-)(?)2. the boy

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari eksasifa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. mrs. Harrison speaks spanish in the meeting.(-)
2. the boy takes a bath twice a day
3. the famous singer sings "wake me up inside" beautifully
4. my parents and I have dinner in the dining room.
5. they go to the swimming pool in the afternoon.
6. the maid sweeps the floor every morning.
7. mr.niko writes a letter for hir friend.
8.jojo and jeje invite me to come to their birthday party.

tolong dong kak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. (-) Mrs. Harrison don't speaks Spanish in the meeting

(?) Do Mrs. Harrison speaks Spanish in the meeting?

2. (-) the boy don't takes a bath Twice a day

(?) do the boy takes a bath Twice a day?

3. (-) the famous singer don't sings " wake me up inside" beatifully

(?) do the famous singer sings "wake me up inside" beatifully

4. (-) my parents and I don't have dinner in the dining room

(?) do my parents and I have dinner in the dining room?

5. (-) they don't go to the swimming pool the afternoon

(?) do they go to the swimming pool the afternoon?

6. (-) the maid don't sweeps the floor every morning

(?) do the maid sweeps the floor every morning?

7. (-) Mr. Niko don't writes a letter for hir friend

(?) do Mr. Niko writes a letter for hir friend?

8. (-) Jojo and Jeje don't invite me to come to their birthday party

(?) do Jojo and Jeje invite me to come to their birthday party

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Last Update: Wed, 30 Nov 22