change these sentences into present continuous1.the student (play) basketball now(+).(-)(?)2.the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari puspitafriskaa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change these sentences into present continuous1.the student (play) basketball now

2.the baby (cry] at this moment

3. bayu and sagiva (study) english right now

4. my mother (make) a cake now

5. i and you (enjoy) mixue ice cream at present

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


(+)The student is playing basketball now.

(-). The student is not playing basketball now.

(?) Is the student playing basketball now?

(+)The baby is crying at this moment.

(-). The baby is not crying at this moment.

(?) Is the baby crying at this moment?

(+)Bayu and Sagiva are studying English right now.

(-). Bayu and Sagiva are not studying English right now.

(?) Are Bayu and Sagiva studying English right now?

(+)My mother is making a cake now.

(-). My mother is not making a cake now.

(?) Is my mother making a cake now?

(+)I and you are enjoying mixue ice cream at present.

(-). I and you are not enjoying mixue ice cream at present.

(?) Are I and you enjoying mixue ice cream at present?

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Last Update: Tue, 04 Apr 23