C. Let's Write And PracticeActivity 1.Complete Short Prohibition From Situation

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari chesilbella47 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

C. Let's Write And PracticeActivity 1.Complete Short Prohibition From Situation Given
1.(Lina Comes Late In The Class Meeting)
Deni :Don't Be Late!
Line :I Won't

2.(The Room Is Air Conditioned Dewa Comes Late And Don't Close The Door)
Arman :............................
Dewa :Ok

3.(Dinda Will Buy A T-shrit For His Friend But He Requses It)
Liza :.............................
Dinda :It's Not A Big Deal

4.(Rina Will Give Special Gift To Her Friend,She Ask Her Friend Don't Tell To Her.
Rina :................................
Arik :................................

5.(Our Teacher Says To The Students Be Care Ful When Camping In The Mountain)
Teacher :..........................
Student :..........................​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang berlaku internasional dan digunakan di berbagai negara. The complete short prohibition from situation given are:

1. (Lina comes late in the class meeting).

Deni: Don't be late!

Lina: I won't.

2. (The room is air conditioned Dewa comes late and don't close the door).

Arman: Dewa, don't be late and close the door please!

Dewa: Ok.

3. (Dinda will buy a T-shirt for his friend but he requses it).

Liza: Dinda, can you accompany me to buy a T-shirt?

Dinda: It's not a big deal.

4. (Rina will give special gift to her friend, she ask her friend don't tell to her).

Rina: Don't tell Dewi about this gift!

Arik: Ok.

5. (Our teacher says to the students be careful when camping in the mountain).

Teacher: Be careful and don't to rush please!

Student: Yes, sir.


Manusia berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa tertentu. Salah satu bahasa yang berlaku secara universal adalah bahasa Inggris. Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang berlaku internasional dan digunakan di berbagai negara.

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Last Update: Wed, 07 Dec 22