Buatlah re-orientasi dari text narrative dibawah ini! The story begins when

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Buatlah re-orientasi dari text narrative dibawah ini!The story begins when King Janaka from Videha Kingdom (Mithila) held an archery contest to determine who deserves his daughter, Sita. Many people have tried it, but none of them have passed it. Until one day, Rama, took the challenge and won the contest. Afterward, he married Sita.
On the other hand, at Alengka Kingdom, Rahwana’s sister told him that two men have wounded by cutting of her nose. It made Rahwana angry and wanted to fight those two men for his sister. He met Marica, a giant half human half god. Rahwana asked her to change himself to a Golden Deer to attract Sita.
Sita was now on a journey with Rama and Laksamana, Rama’s brother. Suddenly, the Golden Deer came and tried to tease Sita.
Sita was fascinated by the beauty of the Golden Deer, so she asked Rama to catch that Golden Deer for her. As a good husband, he immediately chose the Golden Deer. He left Sita with Laksamana.
While waiting for Rama to catch the Golden Deer, they suddenly heard Rama’s voice, shouting out. They went to worry him, so Laksamana planned to help Rama, in case something happened to him. He made a magic circle around Sita to protect her from any harmful matters before he left her.
Rahwana came to the place where Sita was left alone. He looked at her from a distance. Unfortunately, Laksamana already made a magic circle to protect Sita, so it’s very hard for Rahwana to kidnap Sita.
At last, Rahwana changed himself to be an old Brahmana, so that he could easily take out Sita from the magic circle and kidnap her.
Meanwhile, Rama still trying to catch the golden deer. He took an arrow to shot the golden deer. Rama’s arrow perfectly hit the golden deer and it immediately transformed into Marica. Rama was surprised. He ended up fight against Marica. But Rama has the strength that makes it resistant to punches and any weapons.
Not long after that, his younger brother, Laksamana came to help Rama. Rama admonishes his younger brother, Laksamana because he left Sita alone. Meanwhile, Jatayu the eagle man met Rahwana who is taking Sita. Jatayu fight against Rahwana to release Sita. But unfortunately, Jatayu defeated until he seriously injured.
After the fight, Rama and Laksamana found Jatayu injured. Before died, Jatayu told them that Sita has been kidnapped by Rahwana. Jatayu is dead. Not long after, Hanuman inform to Rama that there are two apes king fighting each other.
At Kiskendo Cave, Subali and Dewi Tara are frolicking. But suddenly Sugriwa came by surprise. Sugriwa wanted to take back Dewi Tara, his wife who had been earried off by Subali (his elder brother). This drove them to war. Sugriwa defeats Subali by Rama support. Sugriwa was thankfull and decided to allied with Rama for searching Sita by sending Hanuman as an envoy to Alengka Kingdom. Before leave Hanuman to Alengka, Rama gave him his ring for Hanuman to brought ‘em to Sita as the proof.
At Aragoksa Garden on Alengka, Trijata (niece of Rahwana) and her maids are comforting Sita. Rahwana came and tries to persuade Sita to be his wife. Not long after that, Hanuman came and told Sita that he’s sent by Rama in order to release her from Rahwana. Sita accepted Rama’s ring that Hanuman Brought. Hanuman begin to destroying Aragoksa Garden but Hanuman is intercept by Rahwana. Rahwana decides to kill Hanuman but prevented by Kumbakarna (Rahwana’s younger brother). Kumbakarna was expelled by Rahwana. Unfortunatelly, after Kumbakarna expelled, he was captured by Sugriwa troops. He’s being brought to Rama and his troop, and told him that Sita was with his brother. He finally executed by Rama after he tell where Sita.
In Alengka, Rahwana begin to burnt Hanuman. but with the supernatural power, Hanuman escaped from the execution.
Not long after, Rama came by surprise. Rahawana’s too angry, he began to attack Rama. The final battle began.
Rama fight with Rahwana. But Rahwana was unbeatable with weapons, so at last, Rama use Brahmastra’s unsual weapon. It’s kind of arrow, but much stronger. The arrow fly through Rahwana’s chest and immediately took his life. Rama wins the final battle.
Rama met Sita after he won the battle, he wanted to take Sita back. Rama asked his subordinates to burn Sita. If Sita is burnt, that’s mean Sita isn’t pure anymore. But if Sita doesn’t get burnt, that’s mean Sita’s still pure.
Hanuman burnt Sita, and the fact, Sita was still alive. She didn’t get burnt. Sita ended up returned to Rama, and live happily ever after.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


King Janaka from Videha Kingdom held an archery contest to determine who would marry his daughter Sita. Rama won the contest and married Sita. However, Rahwana, king of Alengka Kingdom, became angry after learning that his sister's nose had been cut off by two men. He enlisted the help of Marica, a giant half human half god, to disguise himself as a Golden Deer and attract Sita. Sita was captivated by the deer, and Rama left to catch it for her, leaving Sita in the care of Laksamana.

Rahwana disguised himself as an old Brahmana and tricked Sita into leaving the protective magic circle Laksamana had made. Rama and Laksamana fought against Marica and Rama scolded Laksamana for leaving Sita alone. Jatayu, the eagle man, fought against Rahwana to save Sita but was defeated and seriously injured. Before dying, Jatayu told Rama and Laksamana that Sita had been kidnapped.

Hanuman informed Rama that two apes kings were fighting and Rama assisted Sugriwa in defeating his brother Subali. In gratitude, Sugriwa agreed to ally with Rama and sent Hanuman as an envoy to Alengka Kingdom to rescue Sita. Rama gave Hanuman his ring to give to Sita as proof of his mission. In Alengka, Trijata and her maids comforted Sita, who was being persuaded by Rahwana to be his wife. Hanuman arrived and told Sita that he had been sent by Rama to rescue her. Sita accepted the ring and Hanuman began to destroy the garden, but was confronted by Rahwana.

Rahwana decided to kill Hanuman, but was prevented by Kumbakarna, his younger brother. Rahwana expelled Kumbakarna, who was captured by Sugriwa's troops and brought to Rama. After revealing Sita's location, Rama executed Kumbakarna. In Alengka, Hanuman was captured and nearly burned at the stake, but used his supernatural powers to escape. Rama and his army arrived and fought against Rahwana's forces. In the end, Rama killed Rahwana and rescued Sita.

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Last Update: Tue, 14 Mar 23