1.Do you know the name of the mountain that looks

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aurelofficial01 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1.Do you know the name of the mountain that looks like a boat?2. Why is it called Tangkuban Perahu?
3. Have you ever heard the story of Sangkuriang and his boat?
4. Do you know the story?
5. Why do we read folktales? What for?
6. Can we learn something from folktales?​
1.Do you know the name of the mountain that looks like a boat?2. Why is it called Tangkuban Perahu?3. Have you ever heard the story of Sangkuriang and his boat?4. Do you know the story?5. Why do we read folktales? What for?6. Can we learn something from folktales?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The mountain that looks like a boat is called Mount Tangkuban Perahu.

It is called Tangkuban Perahu because the shape of the mountain resembles an upside-down boat.

Yes, I have heard the story of Sangkuriang and his boat.

The story of Sangkuriang and his boat is a popular legend in Indonesia. It tells the tale of a young man named Sangkuriang who wanted to build a boat to travel to the ends of the earth. One day, his mother, who was a powerful dukun (shaman), discovered his plan and used her magic to turn him into a deer.

We read folktales to learn about the culture, history, and traditions of a particular community. Folktales also serve as a way to entertain and pass down stories from generation to generation.

Yes, we can learn something from folktales. Folktales often contain moral lessons and values that can be applied in our daily lives. They can also provide insights into the beliefs and customs of a particular culture.

Info tambahan:

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Last Update: Tue, 04 Apr 23