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Tugas membuat teks bahasa Inggris minimal 3 paragraf dengan tema "describing Physical appearance".​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Physical appearance is one of the most important aspects that describes an individual's identity. It can tell a lot about a person's personality, lifestyle, and culture. A person's physical appearance can be described in terms of their height, weight, build, and features.

When describing someone's height, you can use terms like tall, short, average, or towering. If they are heavy or overweight, you can use terms like plump or rotund. For body build, terms like athletic, muscular, or skinny might be appropriate. The features of an individual can be described in terms of their facial features, such as their nose, eyes, lips, and hair.

In addition to these physical characteristics, a person's style of dressing, hairstyle, and overall grooming can also play a role in describing their physical appearance. The way a person presents themselves can often reveal their confidence, self-esteem, and even their cultural background. For example, someone who takes great care in their grooming and dress might be perceived as more confident, while someone who is dressed more casually might be seen as more relaxed and easy-going. Overall, physical appearance is a critical component in the way we perceive and understand others, and it is important to be aware of these factors when making judgments about others.

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Last Update: Fri, 12 May 23