How ols is Tina right now? 1 point Hello my

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aurellxst pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

How ols is Tina right now?1 point Hello my friends, I want to introduce myself. My name is Agustina Setyaningsih. You can call me Tina. I was born on December 20, 2010. I live at Diponegoro street 11, Bekasi. My hobbies are playing badminton and listening to music. I usually play badminton with my friends, Kezia, Fanya, and Gabby at my school. I love playing badminton with them because it makes me happy. I'm a student of Marsudirini Junior High School Bekasi. Now I am in the first year. OK. I will tell you about my family. My father's name is Jack and my mother's name is Gabriella. They are teachers. And also I have one brother and two sisters. They are Repan, Chelsea, and Emilia. Repan is the smartest student in his class. I love my family so much. That's all about my introduction. Nice to meet you. Thank you.

She is 13 years old.
She is 12 years old
She is 11 years old.
She is 10 years old.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


She is 12 years old


dia nanya tahun ini kan? dia lahir 2010 tahun ini umurnya 12 tahun

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Last Update: Thu, 05 Jan 23