1. Jodi : What's wrong with the girl? Farah :

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rossa3645 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. Jodi : What's wrong with the girl? Farah : She has got. A. B. 3. Measles c. A toothache d. A stomach ache 2. Brian is ill now. His mother takes him to meet a. A. Teacher b. Coach doctor C. D. A headache * shopkeeper If we have got a toothache, we should go to the. Dentist's a. B. Fruit seller 5. I have got a. A. Headache b. -4. Uncle brings the. To the pharmacy. A. Injection b. Stethoscope C. Sore eye d. Sore throat stomach ache c. Shop e. Supermarket 6. Lisa 8. C. Medicine d. Prescription 19 0 :. Adam: I've got a stomach ache. Which phrase is match for the dialogue? [HOTS] a. How often do you take th medicine? b. Have you met a doctor? c. What's wrong with you? d. Are you still ill? matter with yo​.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Berikut jawaban untuk soal tersebut:

  1. She has got a toothache.
  2. His mother take him to meet a doctor.
  3. If we have a toothache, we have to meet a dentist.
  4. Uncle brings the prescription to the pharmacy.
  5. What's wrong with you?


Pada soal kita diminta melengkapi kalimat menggunakan kata yang tepat. Berikut terjemahan dari jawaban di atas:

  1. Dia sakit gigi.
  2. Ibunya membawanya ke dokter.
  3. Jika kita sakit gigi, kita harus menemui dokter gigi.
  4. Paman membawa resep ke apotek.
  5. Apa yang salah denganmu?

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Last Update: Tue, 13 Dec 22