Malin Kundang Once upon a time, there was poor family

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sumarlahmarlah21g pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Malin Kundang Once upon a time, there was poor family who stayed in a small village near the forest. The family had two persons. They were a mother and a son. The mother was an old widow. The name of her son was Malin Kundang. They earned themselves by getting firewood from the forest. Then, they exchanged the firewood to people with the daily need. One day, Malin Kundang went to the big city in order to get better life then before. At a new place he got a new job. After he worked for years, he became a very rich merchant. He didn't want to go home. His mother missed him very much. Her longing for him was great. She gave a message to her son's friend in order to get Malin Kundang went home soon. When Malin Kundang's friends told his mother's message, he said that he didn't have a mother from a village. His mother was very sad when she heard the bad news from her son. Malin Kundang's mother tried to check the truth of the bad news. She met him in a ship at the seaside. But Malin Kundang didn't confess that the old woman was his mother. He scolded his mother cruelly. The old woman was very sad. She cried sorrowfully. She cursed her son and suddenly the ship became a rock.ulangan tengah semester ​
Malin Kundang Once upon a time, there was poor family who stayed in a small village near the forest. The family had two persons. They were a mother and a son. The mother was an old widow. The name of her son was Malin Kundang. They earned themselves by getting firewood from the forest. Then, they exchanged the firewood to people with the daily need. One day, Malin Kundang went to the big city in order to get better life then before. At a new place he got a new job. After he worked for years, he became a very rich merchant. He didn't want to go home. His mother missed him very much. Her longing for him was great. She gave a message to her son's friend in order to get Malin Kundang went home soon. When Malin Kundang's friends told his mother's message, he said that he didn't have a mother from a village. His mother was very sad when she heard the bad news from her son. Malin Kundang's mother tried to check the truth of the bad news. She met him in a ship at the seaside. But Malin Kundang didn't confess that the old woman was his mother. He scolded his mother cruelly. The old woman was very sad. She cried sorrowfully. She cursed her son and suddenly the ship became a rock.ulangan tengah semester ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Malin Kundang

2. Yes, he is

3. Yes, he lived with his mother

4. They earned themselves by getting firewood from forest

5. he wants to get better life than before

6. No, he didn't want to go home



Good luck ✰

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Last Update: Sun, 04 Jun 23