pe Activity 1: Reading Comprehension Read the following text carefully! Then answer

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari arya2938 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

PeActivity 1: Reading Comprehension
Read the following text carefully! Then answer the questions!m
I get up at 5 a.m. I usually clean my bedroom. After shower, I have breakfast with my parents and my
elder brother, Tama. I like fried rice but my elder brother likes sandwich. My parents denk a glass of hot
chocolate and eat toast. I go to school by bicycle at 6.30 am. My mother works at restaurant she is acho
I have lunch at school because in the afternoon I do some activities. I sing in the chos, play badminton
and go to art class. After school, I go home and my brother helps me with the homework. My
brother and I also do household chores at home. I clean the rooms and my brother washes the
dishes. In the evening we watch TV, play games, and talk about our day. My brother and I go 10
bed at nine o'clock.
1. How does the writer go to school?
2. What does the writer's elder brother like to eat for breakfast?
3. What does the writer's mother do? Where does she work?
4. Why does the writer have lunch at school?
5. What activities do the writer and his brother do in the evening?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. The writer goes to school by a bicycle at 6.30 am
  2. The writer's elder brother likes to eat sandwich for breakfast
  3. The writer's mother is a chef and she works at the restaurant
  4. The writer has lunch at school because in the afternoon the writer has some activities
  5. The writer and his brother do in the evening is watch TV, play games, and talk about their day

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Last Update: Sat, 30 Apr 22