Holiday In Lhoknga Beach  When Idul Fitri holiday, after visiting

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Faffaa575 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Holiday In Lhoknga Beach  When Idul Fitri holiday, after visiting my parents at Darussalam, Banda Aceh, I and my family went to Lhoknga Beach to refresh our mind after the long time of work. It's rarely to take a vacation because I'm very busy.
    The way to Lhoknga  Beach is quite good and the view is really beautiful. On our left and right is full of rice fields and many coconut trees along the way. But when we nearly arrived. there was a long traffic ram so we hardly to get in into the beach I guess this was because of the Idul Fitri holiday, so people want lo go to beach too.Then we just take a walk to the beach because It was not far. Fortunately the weather was not too hot on that day
    After we amved. the beach was so crowded. But we still enjoyed the time by took pictures, swimming, playing sand, and go around the beach by boat.We stay overnight in the inn that we have rent before.
    We got up so early in the morning that we could enjoy sunrise landscape at the beach. My cousin playing with white sand and I took a picture of him.
    A day at Lhoknga Beach felt so short, we were quite tired for playing a whole day, but we were very happy.

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Holiday In Lhoknga Beach

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Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Orientation :

When Idul Fitri holiday, after visiting my parents at Darussalam, Banda Aceh, I and my family went to Lhoknga Beach to refresh our mind after the long time of work. It's rarely to take a vacation because I'm very busy.

Sequence of Events :

The way to Lhoknga  Beach is quite good and the view is really beautiful. On our left and right is full of rice fields and many coconut trees along the way. But when we nearly arrived. there was a long traffic ram so we hardly to get in into the beach I guess this was because of the Idul Fitri holiday, so people want lo go to beach too.Then we just take a walk to the beach because It was not far. Fortunately the weather was not too hot on that day

    After we amved. the beach was so crowded. But we still enjoyed the time by took pictures, swimming, playing sand, and go around the beach by boat.We stay overnight in the inn that we have rent before.

    We got up so early in the morning that we could enjoy sunrise landscape at the beach. My cousin playing with white sand and I took a picture of him.

Re-orientation :

A day at Lhoknga Beach felt so short, we were quite tired for playing a whole day, but we were very happy.

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Last Update: Fri, 19 May 23