9. winda:"Are you free this evening? Let's go to Sari's

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zahrasabrina754 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

9. winda:"Are you free this evening? Let's go to Sari's house."vina:"I'm sorry, I can't. I must help my grandmother to sew a dress."
winda:"Is your mother a dressmaker?" vina:"Yes. I always help her."
winda:"I'm sure that you will be a good dressmaker later."

10.Danumeets Rusli on his way home from school.

Danu:"Hi, Rusli, is it right that you'll take part in a big show?"
Rusli:"That's right".
Danu:"I...you'll be successful".

a.not at all
b.i hope so
c.you wish
d.you will

11.winda:"Are you free this evening? Let's go to Sari's house."
vina:"I'm sorry, I can't. I must help my grandmother to sew a dress."
winda:"Is your mother a dressmaker?" vina:"Yes. I always help her."
winda:"I'm sure that you will be a good dressmaker later."

a.not at all
b.i hope so
c.you wish
d.you will

14.Fino:"congratulation on your 14th birthday"

a.oh,not really
b.well done
c.thank you very much
d.no,thank you

Tolong d bantu ya :) ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


9. thanks for saying that

10. b

11. b

14. c

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Last Update: Sun, 20 Nov 22