Make sentences using the verbs in the brackets ! Examples:

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari shalmaalmaghfira pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Make sentences using the verbs in the brackets ! Examples: Mother (cook) fried rice now - Mother is cooking fried rice now Mr. Jack and Miss Jane (swim) in the river at the moment - Mr Jack and Miss Jane are swimming in the river at the momentDo as the examples given !
1. Rony (play) a piano at the moment
2. My grandmother and my mother (shop) in the market now
3. The students (study) English at the moment
4. Mrs. Susan (have) some food in the restaurant now
5. We (watch) film on the TV at the moment
6. They (clean) the classroom now
7. My cat (sleep) on the sofa now
8. I (write) a letter at the moment
9. Mr. Anton (teach) Science now
10. She and her friend (dance) jaipongan at the moment​
tolong bantu jawab yah

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. Rony is playing a piano at the moment.
  2. My grandmother and my mother are shopping in the market now.
  3. The students are studying English at the moment.
  4. Mrs. Susan is having some food in the restaurant now.
  5. We are watching a film on the TV at the moment.
  6. They are cleaning the classroom now.
  7. My cat is sleeping on the sofa now.
  8. I am writing a letter at the moment.
  9. Mr. Anton is teaching Science now.
  10. She and her friend are dancing jaipongan at the moment

yang huruf tebel jawabannya

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Last Update: Sun, 13 Aug 23