1.As the road.....................by some fallen trees, I attended the English

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari oliviahidayah174 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1.As the road.....................by some fallen trees, I attended the English course late two days ago.2. Sweets and drinks ..........in this kiosk.

3. These photos............by my mother when I was ten years old.

4. Most of the earth's surface........... by water.

5.The victims of the flood ............by the rescuers last night

6.The casualties in the accident............to the nearest hospital this morning

7. Potato salad........by mother at weekends

8. Cheese and butter........ever day in the dairy

9. Some cows.........for thir milk and meat on this farm

10. It's sad to know that Mr Rio's car........last week

A. Cover
B. Produce
C. Make
D. Keep
E. Save
F. Block
G. Steal
H. Bring
I. Sell
J. Take


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. As the road were blocked (F) by some fallen trees, I attended the English course late two days ago.

2. Sweets and drinks are sold (I) in this kiosk.

3. These photos were taken (J) by my mother when I was ten years old.

4. Most of the earth's surface is covered (A) by water.

5. The victims of the flood were saved (E) by the rescuers last night.

6. The casualties in the accident were brought (H) to the nearest hospital this morning.

7. Potato salad is made (C) by mother at weekends.

8. Cheese and butter are produced (B) every day in the dairy.

9. Some cows are kept (D) for their milk and meat on this farm.

10. It's sad to know that Mr. Rio's car was stolen (G) last week.


Maaf kalo salah ^^-

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Last Update: Sat, 27 May 23