1. Angga ...... off the horse because he was not

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jokoptk731 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. Angga ...... off the horse because he was not relaxe 2. When I kept a cat, I .. 3. My mother ..... 4. ........... it on fried fish. ... some poems when she was young. a ball at her. Nina was upset because her brother ...... ............ English at a school before she got married. Yesterday was my grandma's birthday, so I ............ her some flowers. Father always .......... 5. My aunt .......... 6. 7. ...... to work when we still lived in Malang. 8. I was so hungry that I. 9. Mr Ardi 10. He .... ....... .... two plates of fried rice. exercise before he left for the office. the glass before it hit the ground. write eat buy catch teach throw fall drive take feedtolong disuruh gurublangsung kumpulkan​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Angga wants to get off the horse because he was not relax

2. when I kept a cat, I take care of it

3. my mother is father's partner

4. mohon maaf no 4 aku ga bisa jawab

5. my aunt is uncle's partner

6. oh iya no 6 kok tidak ad soalnya ya

7. we went to work when we were still in lived malang

8. i was so hungry that i bought some food

9. mr ardi he likes to plant

10. mohon maaf no 10 aku ga bisa jawab


oh iya no 9 itu Mr ardi he...?

kalau ada kesalahan mohon maaf

semangat terus belajarnya

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Last Update: Wed, 28 Jun 23