bantu jawab kakakngasal report.​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari syifa673282 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Bantu jawab kakak
ngasal report.​
bantu jawab kakakngasal report.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. - i am not reading novel right now

? are you reading novel right now/am i reading a novel right now

2. -she is not cooking in the kitchen

? is she cooking in the kitchen

3.- they are not playing football right now

? are they playing football right now

4. -she is not studying to became a doctor

?is she studying to became a doctor

5. i am not reading the book cinderella

?are you reading the book cinderella/am i reading the book cinderella

6. +father is reading any magazine right now

- father is not reading any magazine right now

? is father reading any magazine right now

7.- you are not working any special project at work

? are you working any special project at work

8. - you are not teaching at the university now

? are you teaching at the university now

9. - we are not meeting some friends after work

? are we meeting some friends after work

10. -he is not going to the party tonight

? is he going to the party tonight

Rumus Present Continuous Tense

Dalam penerapannya dalam kalimat, kamu perlu mengingat rumus di bawah ini. Bentuk positif: Subjek + be (am/is/are) + verb (-ing) + … Bentuk negatif: Subjek +be (am/is/are) + not + verb (-ing) + … Bentuk interogatif: Be (am/is/are) + subjek + verb (-ing) + …?

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh notnotdindin dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Wed, 10 May 23