LISTENING Task 1 Listen to the following dialog and fill

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari episumiati10 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

LISTENING Task 1 Listen to the following dialog and fill in the blank spaces with the correct answers. : Does your aunt work for (1) ....? Thomas: Yes, she does. What (2)... she do? Thomas: She is a nurse. She (3)... Covid-19 patients. What does your aunt do for the Covid-19 patients? Thomas: She (4)... their condition every time. She must ensure that the patients are stable and getting better. Uli It's not (5) .... Thomas: No, it is not. She has to leave her family for a long time. She also must (6)... a set of personal protective equipment. What does the personal protective equipment consist of? Thomas: They are a hazmat suit, mask, face-shield, a pair of goggles, rubber gloves, and boots. What is the function of the equipment? Thomas: To protect the users from (7).... I see. I hope your aunt is always (8) ... Thomas: I hope so, thanks. a. b. an easy job the virus c. checks d. fit and healthy * e. f. g. h. the hospital does wear looks after​

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Last Update: Wed, 21 Jun 23