Arrange the Following adjective in the corect order1.the wowen Was

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari guacomtol pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Arrange the Following adjective in the corect order1.the wowen Was (young-dancer-beautiful-a-sundanese-Slim)

2 Look at (modern-big-that-house round-Italy-White-luxurion)

3 The rich man has just bought (Small-expensive - an-Car-red)

4.The bride look beatiful in(long-handmade-that-Silk-white-dress

5 She is looking for (young-tall -man-a-Asian" athletic) to be her husband

6 I don't think I can afford to live incapartiment -Small-Square-gray-this-old)

7.A Caterpillar is a(round - Small-Creature -green) that makes me Itchi

8.The (big-expensive diamond - Circular) was shown in the exhibition

9.The house is full or (Flowers-beautiful-white-Small) in the garden

10.The man has (Smart-some-small-young-dogs-brown)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The woman was a beautiful slim young Sundanese dancer.

2. Look at that luxurion big round modern white Italy house.

3. The rich man has just bought an expensive small red car.

4. The bride look beautiful in that longsilkwhite handmadedress

5. She is looking for an athletic tall young Asian man to be her husband.

6. I don't think I can afford to live in this small square old gray apartment.

7. A Caterpillar is a small round green creature that makes me itchy.

8.The expensive big circular diamond was shown in the exhibition.

9. The house is full of beautiful small white flowers in the garden.

10. The man has some smart small young brown dogs.


Berikut penyusunan adjektiva yg lebih dari satu sesuai aturannya. Ini dimulai dari urutan paling kiri (Amount), lalu ke yg paling ujung kanan (Head).

1. Determiner (Amount])

  • berfungsi sebagai awalan, perkenalan dari benda yang dijabarkan.

Contoh: a, an, the, several, that.

2. Opinion (Fact adjective)

  • Berfungsi sebagai penilaian benda yang dijabarkan

Contoh: beautiful, silly, hard, difficult, easy.

3. Size (Dimension)

  • bergungsi sebagai pengukuran seberapa besar-kecil benda yang dijabarkan.

Contoh : small, large, big, long, short, tall

4. Physical Quality

  • berfungsi sebagai penjabaran kondisi/ciri² fisik dr benda yg dijabarkan.

Contoh : soft, rough, thin

5. Shape

  • berfungsi sebagai penjabaran bentuk/kondisi suatu benda

Contoh  : round, triangle, square, circle

6. Age/Temperature

  • berfungsi sebagai penjabaran seberapa tua/lama benda yang dijabarkan

Contoh : old, young, ancient, modern.

7. Color

  • berfungsi sebagai penjabaran warna suatu benda

Contoh : purple, yellow, black, blue.

7. Origin/Nationality

  • berfungsi sebagai penjabaran letak geografis, tempat asal/lokasi.

Contoh : Indonesian, French, Spanish, American.

8. Material

  • berfungsi penjabaran bahan-bahan benda tersebut terbuat.

Contoh  : cotton, paper, metal, rock.

9. Purpose/Qualifier

  • berfungsi sebagai penjabaran benda tersebut difungsikan/digunakan.

Contoh: cooking, roasting, racing, dancing

10. Noun/Head

  • sebagai nomina sebelum  dimodifikasi

Contoh : table, chair, book, cat.


Learn more about

The order of Adjective



Grade:  X

Subject: English

Category: Grammar

Code: 10.5

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Last Update: Wed, 08 Feb 23