Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Dima0110 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

TOLONG DIBANTU MENJAWAB SOAL DIBAWAH INI!!!!C. Isilah spot yang kosong dengan kata kerja serta susunan yang sesuai!

1. When my brother ________ (come back), what I have to do?
2. Sisca ________ (go, always) to school every morning.
3. My father ________ (read, usually) a newspaper while drinking coffee in the morning.
4. She _______ (not, speak) Indonesian because she comes from England.
5. ________ (let, she) you go?
6. I hate living in your city, because it _______ (be, cold, always).
7. They _______ (come, always) late.
8. _______ (have, you) some money? I need it.
9. I ________ (not, know) who you are.
10. The Sun ________ (arise) every morning.
11. He ________ (never, visit) his child on Saturday.
12. ________ (like, you) pizza? If you like it, I will buy you the biggest one.
13. The people _______ (hate) this new minister.
14. My parents _______ (jog, usually) in the morning, while I usually sleep.
15. Danny _______ (not, have) any idea to share with you.
16. The tour guide _______ (not, want) to help us go around.
17. ________ (be, he) handsome?
18. ________ (Tara, read, always) my novel every night?
19. Why _______ (walk, you) so far? You can stop a taxi.
20. When I meet you, Madlias _______ (look, always) at me in a long time.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. is comeback

2. always go

3. usually read

4. is not speak

5. she let

6. always being cold

7. always came

8. did you have

9. don't know

10. was arise

11. was never visit

12. did you like

13. are hate

14. always jogging

15. have not

16. doesn't want

17. did he being

18. did Tara always read

19. did you walk

20. always looking

100% pasti benar ✔️


tolong jadikan jawaban tercerdas yaa:)

~~selamat mengerjakan~~

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Last Update: Sun, 17 Apr 22