adjectives and underline​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari untukaplikasi0109 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Adjectives and underline​
adjectives and underline​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

a. Read what Sarah says about her mother. Find 11 adjectives and underline them.

My mother is studying Russian in her free time. She goes to a small class at our local college and she practises conversation with an old friend, who is an excellent teacher. The Russian alphabet is different from our alphabet, and that was strange at first. But Mum is good at languages and she's very determined. She's planning a big holiday in Russia and Poland soon, and I think that's a really exciting idea.

(ada 12 tapi kata 'first' bisa jadi adverb, noun ataupun adjective)

b. Write the adjectives and their comparative forms in the table.


small - smaller

quiet - quieter

cheap - cheaper

big - bigger

noisy - noisier

easy - easier

old - older

more ...

exciting - more exciting

expensive - more expensive

successful - more successful

difficult - more difficult

relaxing - more relaxing


good - better

far - farther

bad - worse

c. Compare the two cafés. Write sentences with some of the adjectives from Exercise 2b.

1. The Café Paradiso is smaller than the Efes Café

2. The Efes Café is older than the Café Paradiso

3. The Café Paradiso is cheaper than the Efes Café

4. The Café Paradiso is more relaxing than the Efes Café

5. The Efes Café is more expensive than the Café Paradiso

6. The Efes Café is bigger than the Café Paradiso

hope this helps

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Last Update: Thu, 03 Aug 23