Change the sentence into negative and interrogative pattern!1. Teachers teach

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zaanyza pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change the sentence into negative and interrogative pattern!1. Teachers teach in the classrooms every day. 2. Mr. Sanjaya doesn't know how to make the crunchy potato chips.

3. My classmate borrows the book from the school library.

4. Marina and her sister buy a glass of thai tea every Nafternoon.

5. The student studies the material well.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

*catatan : (+) positive, (-) negative, (?) interrogative

1. (+) Teachers teach in the classroom every day

(-) Teachers do not teach in the classroom every day

(?) Do teachers teach in the classroom every day?

2. (-) Mr. Sanjaya doesn't know how to make the crunchy potato chips

(+) Mr. Sanjaya knows how to make the crunchy potato chips

(?) Does Mr. Sanjaya know how to make the crunchy potato chips?

3. (+) My classmate borrows the book from the school library

(-) My classmate does not borrow the book from the school library

(?) Does my classmate borrow the book from the school library?

4. (+) Marina and her sister buy a glass of thai tea every afternoon

(-) Marina and her sister do not buy a glass of thai tea every afternoon

(?) Do Marina and her sister buy a glass of thai tea every afternoon?

5. (+) The student studies the material well

(-) The student does not study the material well

(?) Does the student study the material well?

Do not = don't

Does not = doesn't

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Last Update: Tue, 04 Apr 23