1. does Haris always help his father?2. what does his

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari vanianaysilla pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. does Haris always help his father?2. what does his father do?
3. what does he do before his father goes to work?
4. does Haris bath his baby brother after playing soccer?
5. does Haris watch TV in the afternoon?
6. does Yunus sweep the floor in the afternoon?
7. does Yunus cook dinner in the afternoon?
8. what does bangun want Haris to do?
9. when Will Haris visit bangun?
10. what does Haris usually do before 5 p.m.?​
1. does Haris always help his father?2. what does his father do?3. what does he do before his father goes to work?4. does Haris bath his baby brother after playing soccer?5. does Haris watch TV in the afternoon?6. does Yunus sweep the floor in the afternoon?7. does Yunus cook dinner in the afternoon?8. what does bangun want Haris to do?9. when Will Haris visit bangun?10. what does Haris usually do before 5 p.m.?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. yes

2.washing his car

3.breakfast together


5.yes he watch tv in afternoon

6.yes he sweep the floor in the afternoon

7.yes he cook dinner in the afternoon

8.help him with his school project

9. around 5pm

10. help his mother and work his homework and look after his sister

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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jun 23