A Choose A. B. C or D, for the correct

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari uraydaffa45 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

A Choose A. B. C or D, for the correct answer The following dialog is for questions 1 to 4. Dera: Did you spend your last holiday in your grandparents' house? Arga: No, I didn't go anywhere. It's all because of the pandemic. Dera: You're right. Then, what did you do during the holiday? I made an aquarium from unused tire. I got the tire from my father's workshop. Arga: Dera: Wow, that's cool! Did you make it by yourself? Arga: Nope. My father helped me. Dera: How did you make it? Arga: We attached glasses on both sides of the tire and placed artificial plants inside the aquarium. Then, I placed it on the wooden shelf to make it stand. Dera: It sounds interesting. May I see the aquarium? Arga: Sure. Please come to my house. Anyway, what did you do last holiday? Dera: I helped my mother in her store. 1. What are the speakers talking about? A. Helping father B. Helping mother C. Making an aquarium D. Activities during holiday 2. Where did Arga spend his holiday? A. At his house At his mother's store At his father's workshop At his grandparents' house C. D. 3.) What is Arga like? A. Patient Cheerful C. Creative D. Friendly 4. Arga says. "Then, I placed it.... What does the word 'it' refer to? A. Glass B. An aquarium C. D. An artificial plant A wooden shelf The following dialog is for questions 5 to 8. Dirga: Have you ever done rafting? Meila: Yes, I have. Three years ago, my father's office held a family gathering and one of the activities was rafting. Dirga: Meila: Dirga Meila: Dirga: Did you pass over high currents? Meila: No, I didn't. It was a family event with children, so we only passed over low currents. You know, my little brother was the youngest at that time. Dirga: I envy you. Meila: You have to try. Dirga: Sure. How did you feel at that time? I was so excited and felt challenged. It was really fun. 5. What does Meila tell Dirga about? A. Her experience when rafting B. Her story when having briefing C. Her wish to join a family gathering D. Her father's story about boarding a boat A. B. C. Tell me more about it. First of all, we wore life vests and helmets. Before rafting, a guide gave us a briefing. Then, we boarded the boat and started rafting. 6. Why did the rafting participants not pass over high currents? The river only had low currents. They were afraid with high currents. The boat was suitable for a river with low currents, D. They considered children's safety on the boat. au 7.) From the dialog we know that A. B. Meila enjoyed the event much Meila wants to go rafting soon C. Dirga has ever done rafting D. Dirga ever attended a family gathering A B. 8. Meila says, "Then, we hoarded the boat and started rafting" What is the closet meaning of 'boarded'? Moved Pushed C. Ascended D. Controlled​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. D. Activities during holiday

2. A. At his house

3. C. Creative

4. B. An aquarium

5. A. Her experience when rafting

6. D. They considered children's safety on the boat.

7. A. Meila enjoyed the event much

8. C. Ascended


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Last Update: Mon, 21 Aug 23