Task 21 Find the mistakes in the following sentences. Write

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sherinhanun123 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Task 21 Find the mistakes in the following sentences. Write the correct sentences. 1. I saw three bigs oxes near the cliffes. 2. There were many bacteriums under the dead tree. 3. Some study says womans live longer than mens. 4. Farmer Jono has three sheeps and four deers in pens. 5. Ms Lina sent out four memorandums to the alumnis of the college.​
Task 21 Find the mistakes in the following sentences. Write the correct sentences. 1. I saw three bigs oxes near the cliffes. 2. There were many bacteriums under the dead tree. 3. Some study says womans live longer than mens. 4. Farmer Jono has three sheeps and four deers in pens. 5. Ms Lina sent out four memorandums to the alumnis of the college.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Tugas 21 Temukan kesalahan dalam kalimat berikut.

Tulis kalimat yang benar.

1. Saya melihat tiga lembu besar di dekat tebing.

2. Ada banyak bakteri di bawah pohon mati.

3. Beberapa penelitian mengatakan wanita hidup lebih lama daripada pria.

4. Petani Jono memiliki tiga domba dan empat rusa di


5. Ibu Lina mengirimkan empat memorandum kepada alumni perguruan tinggi.


Semangat semoga bermamfaat :)

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Last Update: Tue, 07 Feb 23