Activity 2 Complete these sentences using possessive pronouns! 1. This

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ANGELINTERTAIMEN pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Activity 2Complete these sentences using possessive pronouns!
1. This car is belong to my uncle and my aunty. This car is ....
2. I have a new camera. This camera is....
3. That motorcycle is belong to my brother.
That motorcycle is.....
4. Are you looking for your novel? There is a novel on the table. Is it ... ?
5. My pen is running out of ink. Can I borrow...?
6. We have a truck. The truck is ....
7. Miss Diana has a computer. That computer over there is....
8. Sisca and Aliyah have many videos. Some videos about the food are.....
9. We have four cats. They are ....
10. My mother has a batik wallet. The wallet in the bag is....

tolong dikerjakan dengan benar bsk di kumpulkan​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Theirs

2. Mine

3. his

4. yours

5. yours

6. ours

7. hers

8. theirs

9. ours

10. hers

semoga membantu ^^

Jawaban:1. Theirs2. Mine3. his4. yours5. yours6. ours7. hers8. theirs9. ours10. herssemoga membantu ^^

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Last Update: Sun, 05 Feb 23