mohon di jawab dengan benar dan jelas ya3.What do you

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dayatsupriatno10 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Mohon di jawab dengan benar dan jelas ya3.What do you say to express your gratitude?
4.What do you say to respond the expressions of gratitude?
5. What do you say to express your apologies?
6. What do you say to respond the expressions of apologies?
7. Write a sentence using expressions of thanking!
8. Write a sentence using expressions of apologies!
9. Write a sentence using expressions of greetings!
10. Write a sentence using expressions of leave-takings!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

3. What do you say to express your gratitude?

: Say thank you and hug him.

4. What do you say in response to an expression of gratitude?

: Say "You're welcome", and if the person who is thanking you hugs you then hugs him back.

5. What do you say to express your apology?

: Sorry, I did not mean it.

6. What do you say in response to an apology?

: Yes or I forgive him.

7. Write a sentence using the expression of gratitude!

: Thank you teacher for today's lesson, thanks to the teacher I got new insights.

8. Write a sentence using the expression of apology!

: sorry my friend did not mean to nudge your drink, can I help to clean it?.

9. Write sentences using greeting expressions! : Hello, how are you?.

10. Write a sentence using the expression leave!: sorry ma'am teacher today I can't go to school as usual because I'm sick

Janlupa jadiin jawaban Terbaik,Thanks:)

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Last Update: Thu, 24 Nov 22