Create your own short dialogue involves the expressions of getting

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sthevenkj pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Create your own short dialogue involves the expressions of getting someone's attention , checking for understanding , showing appreciation , asking and giving opinion !bukan di translate tapi di jawab!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  • Getting attention

Anne: where is he??

Robert: Over here, Anne!

Anne: Oh there he is. I'm coming Rob!

  • Understanding

Joanne: So basically you just multiply it by four. Get it?

Stephanie: Uh huh.

Joanne: Now redo the whole process in front of me.

  • Appreciation

John: Nice shoes, faggot.

Ronald: Thanks. Your mom got them for me after I pounded her silly last week.

John: *swings a full-powered punch to Ron's face*

  • Asking

Joe: How long have you been homeless for?

Heroin Junkie: *static noise*

Joe: *crickets*

  • Giving opinion

Velma: I think we should examine the books.

Fred: Shut up, nerd.

Velma: *sobs uncontrollably*


  1. Getting (someone's) attention = cari perhatian.
    Di Bahasa Indonesia misalnya manggil orang "Woi!" atau "Liat sini!" atau "Kesini lu!"
    Di Bahasa Inggris biasanya pakai kalimat perintah ("Come here!" "Look at me!") atau permisi ("Excuse me?" "Pardon?").
  2. Checking for understanding = ngetes pemahaman.
    Di Bahasa Indonesia misalnya "ngerti ga?" atau "sampe sini paham?"
    Di Bahasa Inggris tinggal terjemahin aja ("(Do you) Get it?" "Do you understand (so far)?).
  3. Showing appreciation = memuji
    Di Bahasa Indonesia misalnya "ih bajunya bagus banget beli di pasar loak ya?"
    Di Bahasa Inggris ya terjemahin aja ("Nice shirt" "I like your ass" "I wish I were half as beautiful as you")
  4. Asking = bertanya
    5W 1H
    What (apa)
    When (kapan)
    Who (siapa)
    Where (di mana)
    Why (mengapa)
    How (bagaimana)
  5. Giving opinion = berpendapat
    "I think..."
    "I opine that..." (formal)
    "I suppose..."
    "I feel like..."
    "I suggest that..."
    "I propose (that)..."
    dan lain sebagainya

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Last Update: Sun, 30 Oct 22